The Situation
For Guy Symmons, this represented the first big deal from his relatively new customer: a London-based hospitality brand with a vision for catering to the new way that people live, work and socialise. The company is now generating profits after 5 years of losses. They needed a significant amount of finance to fit-out a new flagship premises for their hospitality offering.
The Funding Solution
Finance Lease, £300,000, 3 year term.
Finance Lease was the obvious product choice for this deal. It was to fund tangible assets, whereas a business loan would have required personal guarantees which were not on offer.
This deal was able to proceed without the need for personal guarantees due to the quality of the credit, and the fact that the company was backed by Venture Capitalists.
Why Asset Advantage?
Guy Symmons said: “I brought this deal to Asset Advantage as I knew they would do the whole project. This brings ease and simplicity to an otherwise complex deal. Also, Asset Advantage are flexible on asset type, so I knew they’d be open to the deal.”
Key Facts
Amount Financed