Finance Lease
Leasing gives the customer access to new equipment by way of renting it for a contracted period, without owning the asset.
Our typical finance leases support long term equipment investment and are repayable over terms of between three and five years.
Finance Lease
£15k to £1m
- Term 3-5 years
Soft and hard assets
How it works
The leasing company (the “lessor”) buys and owns the equipment on behalf of the customer (the “lessee”). The customer pays a rental for the use of the equipment over a minimum term period.
Under a finance lease, the value of the asset appears on the lessee’s balance sheet together with a corresponding finance lease liability, with depreciation and interest being recognised in the profit and loss. The full value of the equipment is repaid to the lessor, plus interest, over the lease period.
User benefits without the ties of ownership
Our Finance Lease arrangements let a business use the equipment they need without having to buy it outright. It also offers business customers use of an asset of newer, higher specification than they could otherwise purchase.
Benefits of a Finance Lease
- The asset must be for use in your customer’s business
- The business must be based in England or Wales
Speak to our Business Development Manager
If you’re a commercial finance broker and want to discuss how we can help your clients with asset finance, contact us.
Case Studies
Find out how Asset Advantage has enabled brokers to complete complex deals for their clients.