Documentation & Guidance Notes

To give your proposals the best chance of success, it’s important to include all the essential information at the outset. Download our forms and guides, to walk you through the information we like to receive and why it will help us reach an approval.

Underwriting Insight Webinar


Products & Rates

A quick overview of the details of our products and rates.

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Proposal Form

Submit your proposal on this form to ensure you are providing the information we need.

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Net Worth Form

Personal Net Worth Statement for significant shareholders.

Request Documentation

Documentation Request Form

Complete and return this form once you have received an approval.

Request Documentation

Sale & Leaseback Check List

Complete and return this form along with the lease documentation.

Request Documentation

Guidance Notes

Proposal Guide

Proposal Guide

This is your guide to getting a
quick approval.

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Proposal Guide For New Start Businesses

Proposal Guide For New Start Businesses

Follow the 13 steps included in this guide to give your New-Start finance proposal the best chance of success.

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Guidance Notes For Business Acquisition

Guidance Notes For Business Acquisition

You’ll find out the essential information to include in your proposals for Business Acquisitions, Management Buy-Outs, and Management Buy-Ins.

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Conditions Of Sanction Glossary

Conditions Of Sanction Glossary
This handy glossary of terms gives you a quick overview of the common types of security and the process of setting it up.
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Guide To The
Payout Process


Follow these steps for a fast payout for your customer. Contact [email protected] for any questions on the payout process.

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Documentation Pack

  • Products & Rates

  • Proposal Form

  • Net Worth Form

  • Documentation Request Form

  • Sale and Leaseback Check List

Guidance Notes Pack

  • Proposal Guide

  • Proposal Guide For New Start Businesses

  • Guidance Notes For Business Acquisition

  • Conditions Of Sanction Guide

  • Guide to the Payout Process

Request Documentation/Guidance Notes Packs

Which packs would you like to request?(Required)
Broker Options(Required)

Speak to our Business Development Manager

If you’re a commercial finance broker and want to discuss how we can help your clients with asset finance, contact us.

Katie Dowse